Geekdad Features the 'Dear Mr. Watterson' Soundtrack...



"The original film score, now available online, can't help but conjure images of boy Calvin romping through the woods with his tiger, or fighting evil space aliens as his alter ego Spaceman Spiff." - Geekdad

Thanks to Geekdad for featuring the Dear Mr. Watterson film score! And....

"Adventurous and cheeky during their ten year run, Calvin and Hobbes are the epitome of childhood exuberance and creativity. We Were Pirates embraces these sentiments and deliver a wonderful accompaniment to this classic comic strip tribute." - Fuzzy Headphonez

"I absolutely love this score. It is a vivid tapestry of piano riffs, jazzy percussion, and delightful melodies that remind me of the first time I heard Vince Guaraldi's score for Charlie Brown." - Deli Magazine

"The soundtrack builds an intricate simplicity that matches the strip’s artwork and writing." - Sweet Tea Pumpkin Pie

"Much like Calvin and Hobbes, the ['Dear Mr. Watterson'] soundtrack does an excellent job at capturing both a feeling of happy-go-lucky innocence while also adding a slight introspective undertone to the mix." - ...Said the Pale Fox

Also thanks to Hometown Sounds! And thanks to JayeL Audio for the shout out about The Real World: Portland playing 'Little Consolation.'